Success Stories
I finished my degree in 2018 at the University of Fort Hare and I was the first to graduate from my family. The only thing I wanted was to get a job and change the situation back at home.
I could not find work and began to borrow money from my friends. The money was used for photocopying, printing, data to check my emails daily and for travelling as my desperate search for a job continued. I was in debt and seemed to have no job options. I didn’t know that being unable to find a job was a blessing in disguise. The Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent lock downs also made an impact in my decision, as I had never considered network marketing.
In desperation I joined Phytomed in July 2020 and the dream of changing the situation at home became a reality. I have been able to renovate my home and buy new furniture.
I will be forever grateful to the Lord that I chose Phytomed.
Athi Mathuntutha

I feel like am at the top of the world! I love my new Haval!
When I saw the 5 Car Give Away in 2019, I told myself if this is true I can also do it. To my surprise I was one of the 2021 car winners.
I am so grateful, thankful and am not regretting this opportunity of becoming a Phytomed Distributor. I am still aiming higher, if others can do it, then so can I. I just need to be positive. Together let’s face the challenge and overcome it.
Edina Sayeni
I am Chiko Molefe, from Bela-Bela area in Mmukubyane Village. Last year I became very sick due to sugar diabetes complications. I had a constant headache, swollen feet, a sore on my leg and I was always tired. My whole body was in pain most of the time. I was admitted in Medforum Hospital several times, but I became worse. I was off duty from 22/10/2015 due to my ill health.
One day I met the lady from my neighbouring village, after seeing my condition, she told me about Mrs Meyer who stays in Rabieridge in Johannesburg selling Phytomed health products. She told me that these products are really working. Mrs Meyer saved my life by recommending these products to me. In December the neighbourhood lady organised Mrs Meyer and they came to my place. Mrs Meyer explained how they works she came with
3 bottles. I started taking them the very same night it was on 18/12/15, I kept on using them, on February was feeling much better, my feet were back to normal and my wound on my leg was in a healing process. By April I was completely healed and went back to work. I really appreciate Mrs Meyer for the efforts she made from Johannesburg to Hammanskraal, just to help a sick person. And really they worked for me. I won’t live without Phytomed.
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate.
Mr Molefe Chiko Bela-Bela, Limpopo
I am Inga from Namibia, Phytomed distributor since 2013. Since I joined this wonderful company, my life as nurse has improved drastically. Every single month I observed my growth, be it financial, personal interactions and traveling beyond the border of Namibia and Africa as a continent.
I had a good experience with Phytomed and as a result of persistence I was awarded a new car this year on 21 September 2019 during award car ceremony held in Port Elizabeth in South Africa. What excitement and unforgettable memories, a golden minute after sweating and struggle with selling and talking to community people to have new members in my team.
I ask me the experience of driving that car from Johannesburg to Namibia with my husband, it keeps us motivated to go beyond our comfort zone. It shows me that evidence based improve and change mind even it takes courage, one day you will reap sweet fruit. Let we all join Phytomed for health, fun, financial freedom and wealth. Nobody can stop us, we are empowered by this marvellous African originated company for every fresh on this globe! What else to say? I am inviting people to join me for infinite awards!
Inga Uushona, Namibia

My name is Claurina Matli. I originate from Lesotho but currently reside in South Africa.
I joined Phytomed in February 2011. I was recruited by my neighbour. I was not really interested in Phytomed at that time – I joined just to push her out of my way for she was pestering me with this business every time we met. But it was just a trick because I was too focussed on the spaza shop selling fatcakes, chips, sweets and the like.
What shifted my attention to Phytomed was the positive feedback I received from the clients. I then committed myself, focussed and LOVED it! I started recruiting more people – entering levels like I was riding on a rollercoaster. I found Phytomed very interesting, high in commissions and more profitable.
Through Phytomed my lifestyle changed. I managed to take my children to good private schools and bought myself two cars within a very short period of time. As if that was not enough, I bought my dream house for my family.
By being dedicated and committed, I received so many awards including cheques and overseas trips, but what surprised me even more was when I received a brand new BMW 320 in 2017. WOW, thank you Phytomed! I am now a woman of integrity.
As Phytomed has changed my life, it can change yours too – but only if you can focus and love it.
I salute Phytomed!
Claurina Matli
Conheci a Phytomed através da Sibongile Marepula em Fine Town em 2013 no mês de Abril.
Comecei a trabalhar no mês de Maio enquanto estava numa situação na saúde, vida financeira, e com os filhos por criar. De Abril a Maio entreguei a minha vida a Phytomed, isto é, trabalhei arduamente dia e noite sem me importer com o cansaco chuva nem sol, porque tinha um objectivo por alcancar que era de chegar no segundo grau.
Em 2014 a maio entrguei a minha vida a Phytomed em outros paises vizinhos com finalidade de ajudar o próximo numa fase não foi facil, porque as pessoas não foi fácil, porque as pessoas não tinham o conhecimento dos suplementos da Phytomed mas como eu tinha objectivo de ajudar e tinha féqoe tudo ia dar certo, dentro dessas dificuldades, conquistei as pessoas, fiz palestras onde falei da importância dos suplementos, dos bonus, presents e passeios onde as pessoas aderiram em grande massa.
E em Junho do mesmo ano entrei no grau número 3, que foi motive de grande alegria, com ajuda de deus ganhei mais forca, condicão, capacidade, disposicão, olhei para frente, apostei cada vez mais no meu trabalho,consegui conquistar o grau numero 4, abri o meu escritoria e a Phytomed e reconhecida em todo Moçambique.
E em Junho do mesmo ano entrei no grau número 3, que foi motivo de grande alegria, com ajuda de deus ganhei mais forca, condição, capacidade, disposição, olhei para frente, apostei cada vez mais no meu trabalho, consegue conquistar o grau numero 4, abri o meu escritório e a Phytomed e reconhecida em todo Moçambique.
Agradeço âtodos que me ajudaram, o meu esposo, â deus que me ajuda a realizer sonhos que um deles consegui consegui comprar o meu próprio carro.
Muito obrigada â Phytomed e melhor rede.
Sibongile Rose Pondja, Maputo, Moçambique

I am Zoleka, a proud Phytomed distributor. I am the first distributor for the Eastern Cape to reach Phyto 6 and be rewarded with a car.
I don’t really know how to explain the feeling I had when I received the car on 30 October 2021. That date will always be remembered by my whole family. I am so excited, overwhelmed and emotional when I think about how much change Phytomed has brought to our lives.
Yes we are working hard, but to get the latest H2 Haval to drive without paying any instalment is a real blessing from God. Every time I get in my car, I smile and thank God it is like a dream that has become real.
Thank you Phytomed for looking after us, we really appreciate what you are doing for us. May God keep blessing the work of your hands to reach and change more peoples lives.
Zoleka Bikani
A componi ya Phytomed yn kume hi siku la 2 ka agoste wa 2014 niy yamukela kutirha ka yona yani Ihayssa ya ni guissa na djondzissa vhana vamina ini djondzisse baybelamune wa ma lembe ni dhoviwa shoswi ni lexikolweni xa ku djondza ku tchayela movha ya ni hotela wheti ni wheti nitirha hi mavito mambirhi la mina ni lanwana wa mina lona lili ka xika da wawu mbirhi la mina lileka xikada xa wu level 3 ani Ihupheka ngopfu kambe swoswi na hanha hibolhela mavagwi ya ndzeni mi hanhile mu nghanu wa mina se waga feijao salada hi kolaka bolhela bamu la hipfuna laka mavagwi ya matilho tencao ni swinhingi splass ya koma malhorhi ya ndzi pfuna ndza khensa Phytomed swinene ngopfu.
Avhito Himina Zulmira Djive, Moçambique
Quando conheci a Phytomed estava numa situacao dificil na saude e financeiramente entrei na Phytomed nos finais de 2014, atraves da propria mana (sibonguile Pondja) que me falou da importancia e a funcao dos suplementos da Phytomed, bem como do plano do Mercado e das oportinidades que a empresa oferece aos seus membros atraves dos bonos,presents e passeios.
E de realcar que primeiramente na Phytomed com o objective de me curar de diabete.
Atraves dos suplementos de Phytomed por saber que foram feitos de ervas e sem efeitos colaterais e isso me motivou bastante e comecei a medicar.
Hoje sou membro de Phytomed estou no 2 grau e me sinto muito bem e dou gracas a Deus que me deu oportinidade condicao e capacidade de conhecer a Phytomed.
Agradeco a mana Sibongile Pondja por ter trazido a Phytomed em Mocambique para ajudar todos os Mocambicanos.
Cecilia Tembe, Moçambique